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Facebook Application Development: Learn by Video

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Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 750 million users, who install 20 million applications every day. If you want to interact with a large audience, Facebook is the place to be, and applications are one of the most engaging ways to interact with that audience. This workshop focuses on creating Facebook applications using HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and Flash. The workshop starts with basic applications and progresses to more complex ones, culminating in a look at how Flash can be used to create interactive Facebook games, with no previous knowledge of Flash needed.


Experienced instructor Robert Turrall presents up to 4 hours of high-quality HD video, complete with lesson files, assessment quizzes, and review materials. The video is wrapped in a unique interface that allows the viewer to jump to any topic and also bookmark individual sections for later review. The unique Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window to allow the student to work alongside the video. Project files used in the lessons are included on the disc so viewers can practice what they’ve learned, and interactive review questions help reinforce freshly gained knowledge.



The DVD-ROM is bundled with a printed booklet that provides supplemental material to enhance the video training.



Facebook Application Development: Learn by Video

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