Introduction to Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing: Concepts and Techniques買到賺到
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Computer scientists Fung (Concordia U., Montreal), Ke Wang (Simon Fraser U., British Columbia), Ada Wai-Chee Fu (Chinese U. of Hong Kong), and Philip S. Yu (U. of Illinois-Chicago) explain the fundamentals of data publishing that preserves privacy, and anonymization methods for preserving information utility for some specific data mining tasks. These basics are simplified to the case of a single data release from a single data holder. The third section considers privacy issues and models and anonymization methods for the more realistic situation of the same data being published several times, anonymized differently each time for a different purpose. So far, all this has been about relational data. A final section looks at transaction data, trajectory data, social network data, textual data, and other special kinds. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( |
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