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- 2013: [Pro Python]網友評價
- 2013: [Oracle PL/SQL by Example]好書介紹
- 2013: 閱讀[The Official Filthy Rich Handbook]心得
- 2013: [Knowledge Production, Pedagogy, and Institutions in Colonial India]好書介紹
- 2013: [An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ With Qt]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Web Intelligence and Security: Advances in Data and Text Mining Techniques for Detecting and Preventing Terrorist Activities on]好書介紹
- 2013: 閱讀[CompTIA Linux + Complete Study Guide: Exams LX0-101 and Exam LX0-102]心得
- 2013: [Professional jQuery]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Emerge With Computers Version 3.0 Passcode]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Using Your Computer: The Beginner’s Guide]評測
- 2013: [Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 8th Annual Conference, TAMC 2011, Tokyo, Japan, May 23-25, 2011, Proceedings]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: 如何購買[iPhone 5 for Dummies]
- 2013: 閱讀[Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications]心得
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Pascal Programming for Music Research
- 2013: [Test-Driven Database Development: Unlocking Agility]網友評價
- 2013: [Carpenter’s Complete Guide to the SAS Report Procedure]網友評價
- 2013: [Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today’s Computers]網友評價
- 2013: [Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Combinatorial Algorithms 2009: 20th International Workshop, IWOCA 2009: Hradec Nad Moravicf, Czech Republic, June 28-July 2, 200]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: 如何購買[A History of Knowledge: Past, Present and Future]
- 2013: [Computer Literacy for IC3 Unit 3: Living Online]好書推薦
- 2013: [Java And Xml]網友推薦
- 2013: [The Complete Idiot’s Guide to eBay]好書介紹
- 2013: [Building the E-Service Society: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government]網友推薦
- 2013: [Microsoft Powerpoint 2013: Illustrated Brief]網友評價
- 2013: [The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques]好書評鑑
- 2013: 如何購買[Beginning iPhone Games Development]
- 2013: [Open Vms System Management Guide]好書評鑑
- 2013: 閱讀[C# 4.0 Pocket Reference]心得
- 2013: 購買[Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft Office 2010]須知
- 2013: [Flexible, Reliable Software: Using Patterns and Agile Development]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [The Scheme Programming Language]評測
- 2013: [Social Implications of Data Mining and Information Privacy: Interdisciplinary Frameworks and Solutions]網友推薦
- 2013: [Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [SharePoint 2010 Workflows in Action]網友推薦
- 2013: [Introduction to Software Testing]網友評價
- 2013: [Managing Data in Motion: Data Integration Best Practice Techniques and Technologies]好書推薦
- 2013: [Get to No. 1 on Google in Easy Steps]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Managing and Securing a Cisco Swan Structured Wireless-Aware Network]好書評鑑
- 2013: 如何購買[Exploring the Unexplained: The World’s Greatest Marvels, Mysteries and Myths]
- 2013: 購買[Dark Web: Exploring and Data Mining the Dark Side of the Web]須知
- 2013: [Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI]網友推薦
- 2013: [The Cosmic Code: Book VI of the Earth Chronicles]好書介紹
- 2013: 閱讀[Starting Your Career As a Consultant]心得
- 2013: [Focus Groups: From Structured Interviews to Collective Conversations]網友推薦
- 2013: 閱讀[Excel 2010]心得
- 2013: 好書推薦-Advanced Data Mining Techniques
- 2013: 購買[Space-Filling Curves: An Introduction With Applications in Scientific Computing]須知
- 2013: 好書推薦-Linux Pocket Guide: Essential Commands
- 2013: 如何購買[Feynman Lectures on Computation]
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-A Project Guide to UX Design: For User Experience Designers in the Field or in the Making
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Microsoft Office Word 2007 for Medical Professionals
- 2013: 如何購買[Easy Computer Basics, Windows 8 Edition]
- 2013: 閱讀[Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing]心得
- 2013: [Appleworks 6: The Missing Manual]網友推薦
- 2013: [Uml 2 for Dummies]好書介紹
- 2013: [Microsoft Excel 2013 Quicksteps]好書介紹
- 2013: [Exploring Everyday Things With R and Ruby]好書介紹
- 2013: [New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2010: Introductory]網友評價
- 2013: 購買[Smashing Node.JS: Javascript Everywhere]須知
- 2013: 購買[Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: First International ICST Conference, MobiCase 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, October 26]須知
- 2013: [Clojure in Action]評測
- 2013: [Professional iPhone and iPad Database Application Programming]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Advances in Generative Lexicon Theory]評比
- 2013: [Testable JavaScript]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [C++11 for Programmers]好書推薦
- 2013: 購買[Sound Effects: Tips and Tricks]須知
- 2013: 閱讀[Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V8 Programming Guide]心得
- 2013: [Programming PHP]好書推薦
- 2013: 好書推薦-End-to-End QoS Network Design
- 2013: [The Big Red Fez: How to Make Any Web Site Better]網友推薦
- 2013: [Building Next-Generation Converged Networks: Theory and Practice]網友推薦
- 2013: [Office Home and Student 2010 All-in-One for Dummies]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Html5 and Css3]好書推薦
- 2013: [HCI Remixed: Essays on Works That Have Influenced the HCI Community]哪裡買便宜?