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- 2013: [Los poderes de la mente / The powers of the mind]好書介紹
- 2013: [Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies: Planning, Design and Implementation]好書推薦
- 2013: 閱讀[Elements of Information Theory]心得
- 2013: 購買[Introduction to Social Networking]須知
- 2013: [Net Work: A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Networks at Work and in the World]網友評價
- 2013: [Starting Out With Java + MyProgrammingLab Access Code: From Control Structures Through Objects]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Sams Teach Yourself SharePoint 2010 Development in 24 Hours]好書介紹
- 2013: [Digital Cultures]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Digital Sculpting With Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning]評測
- 2013: 好書推薦-How to Do Everything With Online Video
- 2013: [Transforming Enterprise Cloud Services]評比
- 2013: 如何購買[In-Memory Data Management: Technology and Applications]
- 2013: [Networked Digital Technologies: Third International Conference, NDT 2011, Macau, China, July 11-13, 2011, Proceedings]網友推薦
- 2013: [Practical Powerpivot & DAX Formulas for Excel 2010]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Jquery Pocket Reference]網友評價
- 2013: [Programming Computer Vision with Python]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Time for Kids the Big Book of Why]網友評價
- 2013: 如何購買[Databases in Networked Information Systems: 6th International Workshop, Dnis 2010, Aizu-wakamatsu, Japan, March 29-31, 2010 Proc]
- 2013: 購買[Contemporary Computing: 3rd International Conference, IC3 2010 Noida, India, August 9-11, 2010 Proceedings]須知
- 2013: [Junos Cookbook]評測
- 2013: [Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 for Photographers]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Microsoft Office Access 2010: Illustrated Brief
- 2013: 如何購買[How to Do Everything With NetObjects Fusion 11]
- 2013: [Go! with Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Constraint Handling Rules: Current Research Topics]評測
- 2013: 好書推薦-My iMac: Mountain Lion Edition
- 2013: [Software Engineering for Modern Web Applications: Methodologies and Technologies]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project]網友評價
- 2013: 購買[Search Computing: Trends and Developments]須知
- 2013: [Natural Computing: 2nd International Workshop on Natural Computing Nagoya, Japna, December 2007 Proceedings]網友評價
- 2013: 購買[Go! With Microsoft Onenote Getting Started 2010]須知
- 2013: [Metrics-Driven Enterprise Software Development: Effectively Meeting Evolving Business Needs]評比
- 2013: 如何購買[Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 13th International Conference, KES 2009 Santiago, Chile, Se]
- 2013: [Database Technology for Life Sciences and Medicine]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [M Programming: A Comprehensive Guide]評測
- 2013: 如何購買[Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America]
- 2013: [Learn Programming With Flash Mx]好書介紹
- 2013: [The World’s Weirdest Places]好書介紹
- 2013: 購買[Network Intrusion Analysis: Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques for Incident Analysis and Response]須知
- 2013: 購買[Unix Power Tools]須知
- 2013: [Information Security Management: Concepts and Practice]好書評鑑
- 2013: 好書推薦-Pro Tools 10 for Game Audio
- 2013: 如何購買[Machine Learning and Data Mining for Computer Security: Methods and Applications]
- 2013: [SQL Server 2012: Integration Services Design Patterns]好書推薦
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-The Computer: A Very Short Introduction
- 2013: [Constraint-based Local Search]網友推薦
- 2013: [Ubuntu: Up and Running]好書介紹
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Adobe Illustrator CS4
- 2013: 好書推薦-Pro SQL Azure
- 2013: [Let’s Make a Bar Graph]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Playing With the Past]網友評價
- 2013: [Domain Specific Languages]網友評價
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Computers Helping People With Special Needs: 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010 Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010 Proceed
- 2013: [Picture Yourself Developing Your Psychic Abilities: Step-by-step Instruction for Divination, Speaking to Spirit Guides, and Much]網友推薦
- 2013: [C Pocket Reference]好書評鑑
- 2013: 如何購買[Excel 2007 in Easy Steps]
- 2013: [Windows Phone 7 Application Development: 24-Hour Trainer]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Small Business Web Sites Made Easy]評測
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse
- 2013: 購買[Sybase 15 Replication Server Administration]須知
- 2013: 購買[The Essential Guide to Image Processing]須知
- 2013: 如何購買[C Compilers for ASIPs: Automatic Compiler Generation With LISA]
- 2013: [Multi-Disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 5th International Workshop, Miwai 2011, Hyderabad, India, December 7-9, 20]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Concepts of Programming Languages]好書評鑑
- 2013: [From Combinatorics to Philosophy: The Legacy of G.-C. Rota]好書介紹
- 2013: 好書推薦-Teach Yourself Visually Dreamweaver CS4
- 2013: [Lisp in Small Pieces]網友評價
- 2013: [Moral Responsibility and Ontology]網友評價
- 2013: [Microsoft Office 2010: Productivity Strategies for Today and Tomorrow]網友推薦
- 2013: [The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You, Library Edition]好書推薦
- 2013: 如何購買[Windows 7 and Office 2010 for Dummies, Book + DVD Bundle]
- 2013: [Rapid GUI Programming With Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to Pyqt Programming]網友評價
- 2013: [Ant Colony Optimization And Swarm Intelligence: 4th International Workshop, Ants 2004, Brussels, Belgium, September 5-8, 2004, P]網友評價
- 2013: 如何購買[What about World Wonders?]
- 2013: [Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure: Foundations and Challenges]網友評價
- 2013: [Java Programming Fundamentals: Problem Solving Through Object Oriented Analysis and Design]網友評價
- 2013: [Team Collaboration: Using Microsoft Office for More Effective Teamwork]網友評價
- 2013: 購買[iPod and iTunes for Dummies]須知