MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture物超所值
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想看更多[MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture]的詳細說明嗎
Unleash the power of digital motion capture in your 3D projects. Learn how to apply state-of-the-art optical motion capture with application-agnostic techniques that require very little math. You learn the vital elements to building a production pipeline that can be used with any combination of hardware and software technologies. MoCap for Artists is an accessible guide for designers that want to implement a professional mocap pipeline with ease and efficiency. Techniques covered include: * Planning and preproduction of a motion capture project The companion CD-Rom includes sample video files in .avi, .mov, .asf, Maya, and MotionBuilder formats that demonstrate first-hand experience with some of the core processes. |
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