
An Introduction to Object Recognition: Selected Algorithms for a Wide Variety of Applications秒殺搶購

An Introduction to Object Recognition: Selected Algorithms for a Wide Variety of Applications


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Rapid development of computer hardware has enabled usage of automatic object recognition in an increasing number of applications, ranging from industrial image processing to medical applications, as well as tasks triggered by the widespread use of the internet. Each area of application has its specific requirements, and consequently these cannot all be tackled appropriately by a single, general-purpose algorithm.

This easy-to-read text/reference provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of object recognition (OR). The book presents an overview of the diverse applications for OR and highlights important algorithm classes, presenting representative example algorithms for each class. The presentation of each algorithm describes the basic algorithm flow in detail, complete with graphical illustrations. Pseudocode implementations are also included for many of the methods, and definitions are supplied for terms which may be unfamiliar to the novice reader. Supporting a clear and intuitive tutorial style, the usage of mathematics is kept to a minimum.

Practitioners of industrial image processing will find this simple introduction and overview to OR a valuable reference, as will graduate students in computer vision courses.

An Introduction to Object Recognition: Selected Algorithms for a Wide Variety of Applications

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