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- 此分類上一篇: 購買[AJAX, Rich Internet Applications, and Web Development for Programmers]須知
- 此分類下一篇: [The Future of Identity in the Information Society: 4th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.6, 11.7/FIDIS International Summer School, Brno, Czec]評比
- 上一篇: [Flash Professional CS5 & Flash Catalyst CS5 for Dummies]網友評價
- 下一篇: [The Future of Identity in the Information Society: 4th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.6, 11.7/FIDIS International Summer School, Brno, Czec]評比
- 2013: [ActiveMQ in Action]評比
- 2013: [Taking Your iPhoto ’11 to the Max]網友推薦
- 2013: [Adoption and Optimization of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Professional ASP.NET MVC 4]評測
- 2013: [Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG): Administrator’s Companion]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Fostering 21st Century Digital Literacy and Technical Competency]網友推薦
- 2013: [CEH Certified Ethical Hacker]好書介紹
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Introduction Windows Azure: An Introduction to Cloud Computing Using Microsoft Windows Azure
- 2013: 好書推薦-Beginning Visual C# 2012 Programming
- 2013: 閱讀[Computers Are Your Future, Complete]心得
- 2013: [Fundamentals of Algebraic Graph Transformation]好書介紹
- 2013: [Windows 8 for Dummies]評比
- 2013: 如何購買[Computational Intelligence: Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of the 9th International FLINS Conference, Emei, Chengdu,]
- 2013: 如何購買[Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Representation and Reasoning: Trends and Future Directions]
- 2013: [Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIV: Proceedings of AI-2006, the Twenty-sixth SGAIi International Conference]網友評價
- 2013: 購買[Fundamentals of Java: AP Computer Science Essentials]須知
- 2013: [Hermeneutics: Interpretation Theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer]網友推薦
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Pocket PCRef
- 2013: [Chaos-Based Cryptography]好書評鑑
- 2013: 購買[Getting Started With Storm]須知
- 2013: [Final Cut Express 4: Visual Quickstart Guide]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Ambient Assisted Living: Third International Workshop, IWAAL 2011, Held at IWANN 2011 Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, June 8-10, 201]網友評價
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Computers in Swedish Society: Documenting Early Use and Trends
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-CompTIA Network+ Review Guide
- 2013: [The Audio Programming Book]好書介紹
- 2013: [NOOK Tablet for Dummies: Portable Edition]網友評價
- 2013: [QuickBooks 2012: The Missing Manual]評測
- 2013: [The Blunder Book: Colossal Errors, Minor Mistakes and Surprising Slipups That Have Changed the Course of History]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Microsoft Powerpoint 2010: Comprehensive]網友推薦
- 2013: [Professional C# 2012 and .NET 4.5]評比
- 2013: 閱讀[Software and Data Technologies: 4th International Conference, ICSOFT 2009]心得
- 2013: [Designing Sound]評比
- 2013: [Data Mining: Introduction To]好書介紹
- 2013: [The Advanced iOS 6 Developer’s Cookbook]好書推薦
- 2013: [QuickBooks 2012 All-In-One for Dummies]網友評價
- 2013: 好書推薦-Weaving Libraries into the Web: OCLC 1998-2008
- 2013: [Teach Yourself Visually Excel 2007]好書介紹
- 2013: [The Photoshop Elements 8 Book for Digital Photographers]好書介紹
- 2013: [Microsoft Office 2007]好書推薦
- 2013: [OpenGL: A Primer]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Entity Framework 4.0 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
- 2013: 如何購買[Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide]
- 2013: 好書推薦-Xslt Cookbook
- 2013: [Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies]好書評鑑
- 2013: 如何購買[Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation]
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-The New iPad in Easy Steps
- 2013: [Foundations of XML Processing: The Tree-Automata Approach]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics, and Management: International Conference, MS 2012, New Rochelle, NY, USA, May]評比
- 2013: [Sequences and Their Applications -- Seta 2012: 7th International Conference, Seta 2012, Waterloo, On, Canada, June 4-8, 2012. Pr]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V: Insiders Guide to Microsoft’s Hypervisor]網友評價
- 2013: [Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2008: 33rd International Symposium, MFCS 2008, Torun, Poland, August 25-29, 2008, P]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [Fun & Games]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: 閱讀[The Existence of Sasquatch and Yeti]心得
- 2013: [Servlet and JSP: A Tutorial]好書介紹
- 2013: 閱讀[Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visual Analytics: Third International Conference of the Clef]心得
- 2013: [The Future of Identity in the Information Society: 4th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.6, 11.7/FIDIS International Summer School, Brno, Czec]評比
- 2013: [Flash Professional CS5 & Flash Catalyst CS5 for Dummies]網友評價
- 2013: 好書推薦-Essential CG Lighting Techniques with 3ds Max
- 2013: [Http Pocket Reference]評比
- 2013: 如何購買[XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach]
- 2013: [Fluent Entity Framework]好書評鑑
- 2013: [Advanced Research on Computer Education, Simulation and Modeling: International Conference, CESM 2011, Wuhan, China, June 18-19,]網友推薦
- 2013: 如何購買[CMMI for Development: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement]
- 2013: 購買[Across the Divide: Navigating the Digital Revolution As a Woman, Entrepreneur and Ceo]須知
- 2013: [General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications]網友評價
- 2013: [Mpls Network Management: Mibs, Tools, and Techniques]好書評鑑
- 2013: 購買[AJAX, Rich Internet Applications, and Web Development for Programmers]須知
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Java Software Solutions
- 2013: 好書推薦-Advances in Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools
- 2013: [How to Start a Home-Based Consulting Business: *Define Your Specialty *Build a Client Base *Make Yourself Indispensable *Create]好書介紹
- 2013: 博客來好書推薦-Beginning HTML & CSS
- 2013: 閱讀[Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XII: International Workshop, MABs 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2-6, 2011, Revised Selected Papers]心得
- 2013: 好書推薦-Photoshop Elements 8 One-on-One
- 2013: [Introduction to Tornado]哪裡買便宜?
- 2013: [How to Find Information Online]評測
- 2013: [Windows 8 Visual Quick Tips]網友推薦
- 2013: [Vector Basic Training: A Systematic Creative Process for Building Precision Vector Artwork]網友推薦
- 2013: [Principles of Program Design: Problem Solving with Javascript]網友推薦