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Discovering Qualitative Methods: Field Research, Interviews, Analysis

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In Discovering Qualitative Methods, Second Edition, researchers Carol A. B. Warren and Tracy Xavia Karner emphasize the process of social research--from the initial idea to the final paper, journal article, or scholarly monograph.
This highly readable text establishes the theoretical underpinnings and applications of qualitative research. It offers comprehensive yet straightforward coverage that includes the major types of qualitative analysis: field research or ethnography, interviews, documents, and images. The text also discusses the historical background and evolution of research practices, in turn teaching students how to generate and develop their own methods.
Now in its second edition, Discovering Qualitative Methods has been updated to include more discussions of technology, as well as the latest in research studies and scholarship. It also incorporates new literature from the field and additional coverage of issues of race, class, and gender.
A rigorous, versatile text, Discovering Qualitative Methods, Second Edition, is ideal for undergraduate and graduate courses in qualitative methods and general methods. It is also appropriate for qualitative methods courses in other social science disciplines such as anthropology, education, and social work.
* Devotes an entire chapter to ethics in research methods (Chapter 2)
* Discusses the very important yet often overlooked issue of emotions in research (Chapter 4)
* Provides a thorough overview of the use of visual data and methods as well as the internet (Chapter 8)
* Includes an accompanying online Instructor’s Manual and PowerPoint slides for adopters

Discovering Qualitative Methods: Field Research, Interviews, Analysis

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