Human-Computer Etiquette: Cultural Expectations and the Design Implications They Place on Computers and Technology限量搶購
網友評鑑5顆星,買過的朋友都說物超所值博客來電腦-計算機概論 分類促銷商品
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This collection of fifteen essays on computer interface design showcases current research on subjects relating to the design of computer interfaces to elicit best or expected responses from human users. The work is divided into six sections covering etiquette and multiculturalism, introducing culture into software, anthropomorphism in computers, physiological and neurological indicators in humans and computers as agents of social change. Individual articles cover such topics as computational models of etiquette and culture, developing trust in human and computer interactions, building social robots and etiquette-based socio-technical design. Contributors include academics from a variety of universities around the world. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( |
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